Dog & Cat Success Stories


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VetStem Cell Therapy Gives Mocha Adams a Higher Quality of LifeMocha was under a year old when I noticed she was limping after a long walk. My fear was that she had something wrong with her hips, possibly even hip dysplasia. The doctor took X-Rays and confirmed what I was afraid of: hip dysplasia. She was so young! I knew total hip replacement was very aggressive and could not last long. Mocha needed another solution. At one of our appointments, my veterinarian mentioned the VetStem Cell Therapy. I studied a lot before deciding on it. VetStem was the answer for me. Today, Mocha is nearly 6 years old, follows me everywhere, and loves chasing rabbits and squirrels in the backyard. She is my beautiful baby. Her quality of life was vastly improved by VetStem Cell Therapy. Ted and Lumy A. and Mocha