Patent Information
The following is a list of patents owned by VetStem . There are a number of pending patents in the United States and abroad in addition to these issued patents. VetStem has also licensed a number patents from the University of California and University of Pittsburgh for its use in regenerative medicine. This listed is not all inclusive and is current as of 1/1/2019.
Patent Number | Country |
2,366,078 | Canada |
1678295 B1 | France |
1678295 B1 | Germany |
151,228 | Israel |
597,965 | New Zealand |
1678295 B1 | United Kingdom |
9,453,202 | US |
7,078,230 | US |
7,582,292 | US |
6,555,374 | US |
9,200,255 | US |
6,429,013 | US |
8,048,673 | US |
8,911,994 | US |
7,470,537 | US |