Dog & Cat Success Stories
Susan & Jeff Page & Rainier
Rainer began limping and showing signs of constant pain due to elbow dysplasia around the age of only 7 months old, and by the time he was 16 months old he could not even walk down stairs. In November of '07 Dr. Tim McCarthy performed stem cell therapy on Rainier, and by January he was up and walking better, with no signs of pain or discomfort. About 90 days after surgery I was able to take Rainer back on walks -building up to 3 miles per day.
He's still a puppy in his mind and wants to play, run and chase balls, so this procedure has given that back to him. Our other alternative prior to learning about regenerative veterinary medicine was euthanasia, but thanks to Dr. Tim McCarthy Rainier is now living with a higher quality of life, because he is in considerably less pain.