Dog & Cat Success Stories
Kim - Partial Cruciate Ligament Tear
Description: I chose my German Shepherd, Kim, for my next agility dog as she was on the smaller side for a GSD. Unfortunately, 6 months into her training, she partially tore her right CCL. After x-days and consults with my regular vet along with my holistic vet, I decided to try stem cell injection. My previous female GSD had also torn both her CCL’s and the only option for her was TPLO surgery. My preference was to avoid this surgery if possible, so we proceeded with stem cell injection and 2-1/2 years later, the knee is doing well. Comments: Kim’s stem cell injection has provided her an opportunity to live her best life. We decided to change sports, so she now does AKC Rally and UKC Nosework. She continues with rehab to keep her knee in the best possible shape. Her rehab includes cold laser, underwater treadmill, and acupuncture therapy every 2-3 months. Note: Pet owner received one free year of stem cell storage in exchange for their honest testimonial.