Dog & Cat Success Stories
Daisey - Bilateral hip arthritis

Daisey an English Cream Golden Retriever was starting to show signs of pain in her hips at the age of 6 years. She was limping after doing activities she loved like playing fetch, running at the dog park, and playing with our other golden retriever. It was hard for her to walk up the stairs and she would yelp when it pained her. Daisey was diagnosed with moderate hip dysplasia. After consulting Colorado State Veterinary and ruling out surgery we decided to investigate stem cell therapy. Her procedure was done in August of 2019. After recovery Daisey began to show her playful side. First thing that we noticed it was easier for her to get up from a laying position. Walking up the stairs for her not even showing discomfort. Still being cautious, we had to race her to the bed so she did not jump up on it. Daisey now enjoys playing tug of war with our other dog. We take long enjoyable walks. There is a contented look on her face and a twinkle in her eyes. So far life is good. Note: Pet owner received one free year of stem cell storage in exchange for their honest testimonial.