Press Releases

Confirmation of Vet-Stem Exclusive Rights to Veterinary Use of Adipose Stem Cells

2011-03-16 --

The Federal Appeals Court has clearly ruled that Vet-Stem's licensors, The University of Pittsburgh and Artecel, Inc. are the exclusive inventors of the adipose stem cell, specifically in the patent 6,777,231. The headline is "COURT DETERMINES THAT UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH AND ARTECEL HAVE SOLE RIGHTS TO ADIPOSE-DERIVED STEM CELL PATENTS." Artecel, Inc. is the human stem cell company that holds all of the rights to this patent portfolio and they have licensed all of the veterinary rights globally to Vet-Stem. To make clear, here is the statement from Linda Powers, the Chairman of the Board of Artecel: 



About Vet-Stem, Inc.

Vet-Stem, Inc. was formed in 2002 to bring regenerative medicine to the veterinary profession. In January of 2004, Vet-Stem introduced the first veterinary stem cell service in the United States. The privately held company is working to develop therapies in veterinary medicine that apply regenerative technologies while utilizing the natural healing properties inherent in all animals. Vet-Stem has exclusive licenses to over 50 patents including world wide veterinary rights for use of adipose derived stem cells.

For additional information, contact: 
Michael Dale
COO, VP Sales and Marketing
Vet-Stem, Inc
12860 Danielson Court, Suite B
Poway, CA 92064